And finally
I'm exhausted of writing now, but this was at the request of my mother, who asked me to write miracles down. We being believers are supposed to share the wonder of our Lord, and that is what I am attempting here, though if I were to go into any great detail, I may look outrageous and lose face. And nobody wants that.
This summer my daughter and I, and my brother, this was really all his idea, went down to Florida. My cousin is the proud mother of a bouncing baby girl, and the child's father helped build a rocket being launched by Nasa, which we were supposed to go watch launch but it didn't make it off the ground. Oh, well, still wonderful to see the baby, go out in the boat at night to the shallow water away from the shore, and best, lay under the bright summer sky as waves roll up from our feet and barely scatter around our heads. Neat experience, never did that before. Anyway, this was so wonderful, we had to rush out of the water at one point, stop diving into waves, because there was a mysterious sharp fin in the surf just ahead of us. This was how we found our way to shore and lay in the surf. I thought about eternity there. I swear I just wrote this. It was a very intense awareness of Gods majesty. It doesn't translate.
When we got back to my cousin's house, the gold chain that I always wear broke. The charms fell to the boards there. I was so glad and felt very lucky that they hadn't gotten lost in the ocean. I would have been devastated. That wouldn't have been a big deal, except for two things. 1: my cousin whose house I was at has lost the cross from her rosary's and it is a matter of family lore. 2: When I got home I put my things on another necklace, one I'd had for years, since college, and then that one broke, too. This is where it gets incredible. One day I spoke of it and my necklace came undone again. Thankfully, it didn't break this time. But I exchanged my charms for all things religious and now I look like a confused person. j/k, it's only a cross, a Mary, and a star of David.
This was a most interesting thing for me as her mother had passed away the last year.
Another thing which happened to me was this. I was concerned about the truth of my scientific argument. So I did the most terrible thing, and I know better. I opened up my bible and asked God to tell me if I was right. You know, some Christians say to open the book and let it speak to you but I am against this practice, and it sort of relates to my story here. There were two things I fell on, both related to the stars. One was something I cannot recall, but the other was easier to remember because it was about Joshua and my ex-husbands name was Joshua. It was about how God held the stars in place for him. (Interestingly, this episode from the bible is written about in my wonderful book "Galileo's Daughter"). But that wasn't going to suffice. I needed to know the answer to my question. And as I started to feel frustrated that I could not mine for answers in my bible, which has to be a sin, my painting fell off my wall. A painting I had only just named Wisdom.
It was then that I decided not to look at the bible this way, and then shortly afterward, I picked up the book and read revelations all the way through for the first time. Well, almost, I think I skipped a few chapters at the start. There I discovered that wisdom comes from listening to and believing the word of God, and that is all it is purposed for. For all things otherwise you will have to use sound judgement.
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