I know I'm right, y'all
I'm so glad I decided to model myself after Galileo Galilei because he was a fighter beyond his own invention for others' works. It was Erasmus Darwin who first saw the evolution from the beginning with note of a first cause. It was his grandson who's fidelity to this cause saw it through. I agree with this conclusion, I say that if heaven says there are golden streets and gates of pearl and beryl and amethyst walls, there are.
I agree with the article I am now reading on the turn of 18th to 19th century English science finding no fault in the bible in science. I believe in the time being a time of extraordinary correctness in character of a great many people, even the liberal minded were looking to the greatest good.
I do claim that I believe life comes from all composite matter. This, like gravity, is the Geocentric problem to resolve. We, the living humans here on earth, are not what its all about. Life may be :)
Matter is not meaningless. Minds that think are not the only important piece of this mystery.
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