I have long had a fantasy
I have had a fantasy about seeing the black death for about five years now. Sounds crazy but it's true. I grew up with an older brother who had a huge imagination, and he often would involve me in the making of scenes from movies. In fact, one of his favorites was Back to the Future. I was made to play the female parts and it ended up becoming one of my all-time favorite movies having it have all this sentimental value, and it in fact does turn out to be a pretty great movie. With this I am able to send myself back in time, anywhere I want, because anything is possible in your imagination.
Now this is not the first time I am saying this, then. You should know this. Many people already know this about me. I am the person who wants to go back in time and see the black plague. I have even suggested being able to accomplish this after death, like some sort of afterlife treat, you know, you can go wherever you want, that is what makes forever possible, and even kind of worthwhile. But it might interest you to know why this time in history is of such a particular interest to me. It is one time in history you get to see some of the most incredible things that ever transpired on earth.
In the 14th century, a lot of stuff happened. Kublai Khan had just (only 10 or so years before the turn of the century) established one of the biggest, and the shortest lived of its substantiality, kingdoms ever in the East. His name for it was unfortunately something stellar about first causes or things cosmically foundational. If so Kublai, you weren't a part of it and neither was your kingdom. Actually, his kingdom sort of burst at the seams, and not really figurately. Theres a William the Conqueror nod here somewhere. Anyway, earthquakes that ate villages, droughts, swarms of pestilence, a mountain fell into the earth ... this isn't what did him in though. He was done in, so to speak, by the printing of bad money. Economics has been big for me this week. That's okay, in less than 100 years there was ushered in the Ming Dynasty, and we all know they make great pottery.
Anyway, the sinking of the Asian landscape, the flooding and the drought, brought out of the earth what some witnesses liked to believe was the black death. The stories they told are remarkable. One that I wish I could find out more about was of a black comet which may have flown over the sky at that time, lending itself maybe to the name of the plague. It should also be said that earlier in that century, the Knights Templar were cruelly disbanded and murdered, but in the year their Grand Master was put to death, other battles were fought and won in the North of Europe. One which retained the Scotts their nationality, one that released of the tyranny of the Habsburgs, tyrannical enough just to behold.
But the most inspiring thing of all has been the sheer ignorance of those who knew nothing of this monster before their eyes. Who could not even begin to fathom that something like a germ could exist. That they were unable to see it so that its existence could not be, and how utterly mystified they were by things as simple as getting sick, not only by having been in the presence of those who were sick, but also by merely touching their clothes or moving their bodies. Some whose minds were more intellectually sound could come up with ideas that were sensible, but many others were inclined to wild ideas. This was so fascinating to me. And I imagined it on the other side, those who could see the minds of the myriad different people, all with the abilities that they had been by nature equipped with. I tell you, that if heaven had paid an advanced visit to us, it might be in this wildly entertaining saga.
At some point today, I remembered Noah and his ark.
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