I sat with teenagers this evening talking about the bible. One proclaimed proudly to be an atheist. She said something that interested me. She said, "If God created the world than who created God?" The moment struck me as odd because, we both were caught in our own dilemma there. I who believe strongly that God created everything, and her who believes that everything happens accidentally. By reason of things not having to be purposed, I can say God exists by himself. And by her stating that a cause must be precipitated by a cause, helped me to see from her perspective. It was intriguing, and had me saying to myself that she can see things which I cannot see and I can see things which she cannot see. I called her view "the rebellion" because it asks of God, "Who are you?" My only explanation for this line of thinking is that whatever we choose, it must be about causes and not about God. A very stout anti-faith hath this one.
I ask myself now, "Why do you believe in God?" In my youth because meaning was granted to what I could see. Recently it was because I believed in the revelations of God to others. But now it is reason. It is the deep, deep undercurrent of undeniable beauty which expresses itself in my mind, which I can see, feel taste touch hear, tapp my foot to, read about, recollect, decipher, distinguish, glorify................
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