Speaking of change...

 I'm like, pretty not interested in the constant wisdom on the social media flow. It is a lot of fortunes without the cookie. And that isn't even enough, without the meal.

 That analogy couldn't be any better, it is as like unto like as it gets.

This, however, is not:

This is exactly the opposite of natural selection. Change happens as a result of natural selection. The name itself explains how wrong this is. Natural. Selection. What about being responsive to change has to do with nature's select?

It bugs me for two reasons. One, it gives humans an unrealistic idea about who they are. Secondly, it is another misused piece of something that becomes challenging to people who otherwise would have intact personalities.

In my youth I had two girlfriends (I'm old school, girlfriend) and one of them was a lot more vocal about her perception of others. No one in particular was left out of her scrutiny. The other was pretty experimental,  wilder, and accused by person number one of not knowing who she was. I mean, you know, sometimes being a young person looks a lot like a costume party. Anyway, no one would have accused person number two of having a problem with change. 

This is where I diverge from the road many are traveling in the present era. I do not conclude that things should be more complicated than they are. If nature selects, why should we mess with it? Why make everyone feel as though they have some change riding on their shoulders? What's wrong with us? Why are we all wrong!?!?!

That poor girl tried on so many hats to find out she didn't have to wear a hat, unless maybe she is still trying on hats. I hope she learns someday to comb her hair and head out.

Which brings me to my first argument. We see humans as malleable because we are equipped with the ability to change. But the changes are more like the tortoise than the hare. A lot of sudden change can be bad for a person. Look at this list of possible stressors:

Human beings are intelligent. We are capable. We are inclusive. Do you agree? Is it a Susie or a Sally world? Should we fear? Why should we fear? What's out there that needs to change? Climate change?

I was really disturbed by how not helpful this Darwin message was. Not helpful to the point where it shouldn't be in my feed. 

Also, it is not true. The premise is wrong. If you remember the whole thing the way I learned it anyway. A lot of bugs are black and some are brown and some a light brown. There's a longer winter than usual, so much pretty snow! The black bugs are eaten faster. Now there are likely to be more light colored bugs because they survived and genetically their offspring are like colored. What could this have to do with response to change? And honestly, unless you are a human being who has the ability to cognitively attune your behavior to your surroundings, I am not sure what difference it makes.

A polar bear is white not by choice but by a long, steady process. Is that not obvious? If Charles Darwin said this about the species that survives being responsive to change, hopefully I will receive a copy of his book for Christmas to help me better understand. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures.
