Seasons Change

 I may have talked about it once before, but I do not often reminisce about my former blog here. I am almost positive it could be found right here, as if a tree were uprooted and a new one was planted in its place. I miss my blog very much, I had written some wonderful things here, a short story, some poetry, funnily enough, but another great loss were the dozens of links which I will never be able to reimagine. I now have a great new app called Pocket, which I  recomend for those who like to read articles. They are even accessible by recitation. Which is especially wonderful. 

This year things had been pretty terrible (family deaths, terrible stresses and close calls) but to everything there is a season, which seems like cheap advice when you are stressed but I have been actively trying to realize calm. Ommmm

Truly, it is the knowledge of this which makes growing older nice. I was thinking that it would be good to try to write some more of my book on love the other day, I was breaking it up into chapters and marriage became an obvious addition to the fold. I have just shared that I love inspirational books in my previous blog. The advice I have received from these books has been invaluable to me. The people who've written them are like extended family as I have worn out a couple of books year after year. Certain phrases will come back to me. "Remember your position" "Love is extravagant"...

My cousin just recently had a baby and one such entry came to mind. The lady writing it said how she would like to tell young moms that these times would pass, how the years will come quickly, and to enjoy them. I have now made it through these years. I realized when my cousin had her baby how difficult it is to begin, but the rewards of a family are many. 

In many ways, a new marriage is so similar to having a new baby. Learning to live with someone takes time, and people grow together. I am reading Tolstoy right now, this Kreutzer Sonata, and the story follows an unhappy marriage, the point being, and I'm only half done, that he fell in love with his wife and I think he says he killed her, so probably he didn't figure the whole mess out. But in fact, the difficulties in my own short marriage had nearly all resolved themselves as we grew older and learned that our lives didn't have to revolve around each other. I was much happier when I had figured that out, but maturity had to set in.

Just another season of life. Imagine how lovely things are to these paragons of virtue, the few faithful who patiently endure life's storms, we might picture them standing on an old ship, the wheel of a helm in there hands, all weathered faces turned toward their captain, who safely pulls the crew out of the strorm. How nice that some know such glory in the simple and every day life of an ordinary married man or woman. 
