no surprises, genuising and school idears

 p.s. my masters thesis would be on the intellectual tastes of different cultures and how these have shaped the current world intellectual climate and how technology and the new "smaller world", remotely connected and under record and repetition, will create a new culture and humanity.

book about right and left brain - author? the master and his emissary mcgilcrest

Greenblatt of harvard he founded histori[] litera[] and was responsible for a shift from textual to contextual 

words vs sound, light, movement. 

"I am Copernicus" ... you have an idea about putting out and taking in information. It relates to practice and personality and talent and ability. Because you are able to write easily and not as much read. You also have trouble with numbers. you want to use a faucet to illustrate this. You are mad, MAD that people treat you with disdain because you are a bad listener. You think they are small minded, simpletons, they live in the past, they have no capacity for true understanding,  DOWN WITH THESE!!
