This is the story of the universe
There are cycles in the universe, one the life cycle of a star. The eye of a star when the star dies looks like the human eye. Though within it is a strange algae. Like the very plants that have been fed by its light, the dead star's vapors are of such shape and color as plant life we know on earth. There in the cloud a mirage forms, as the eye begins to lose its shape and the left-over dust and vapor of the star start to move away from the site where the star died. As this cloud dissipates, strange images form fairytale-like stories which appear from within the cloud, just like cloud shapes in our sky, and visible far out in space is the image of a beautiful young woman, her image frozen in space and time.
What could make a woman of such value as this? Her fine hair and plain beauty? That she was remembered by the star under which she lived? Her story would be of a courageous and pure hearted girl. One of such rare understanding, appreciation and vision, that the very God in his heaven was delighted by her.
Today I looked at the galaxy all afternoon and I made up this story from the images. I thought again about language because I enjoy that, thinking of how language developed. I made stories about "the sacred syllable". About humans making soft sounds in agreement and disagreement. About it being of a sacred past.
Then I went back further to man in his first days on planet earth, his eye on woman, her body growing less hidden as she became naked and paled. This being the thing that changed man, his jealousy when once he loved and possessed woman and didn't want to share her with other men. That was the beginning. Then men fashioned themselves worthy of ingenuity, and the thankful led the way, for they knew there was so much the earth offered that could be used. And as awe followed achievement, achievement had followed thanks. And this was man's introduction to God.
It's been fun reading about things lately. I read about Bach's life in a pretty interesting article. I plan to write about amazing lives. Boccacio had a great life. St. Bede had a great life, so did St. Patrick, and Augustine. I am amazed at life sometimes.
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