In the year 2022...

 I ... had three jobs and didn't beg for money. I ate out so few times I don't remember. Got rid of my debit card and told everyone to get rid of theirs, too. People died, pets too. There were hard times and harder times and easy times and easier times. I told everyone I invented time travel but really, I decided that I was a genius and said space is ready for life, anytime, anywhere. That space may be teeming with life and decided to put my variable into all things scientific and it works! It works like Frankenstein's monster. Lol, thank you, Mary Shelley.

Today things are bright and sunny, the sun shines into my eyes while I am sitting here. It is Saturday, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In the middle of the night last night, I spoke with Harry Styles and H.G. Wells, I have a schizoid problem with a British twist. If it were a drink, it would be straight up and knock you on your arse. And for breakfast a fruit tart, peach praline pie and some green jello salad. The glass of milk was my one healthy option. We have turkey sandwiches with cranberry and cheddar for later, my favorite.

At the beginning of this year, I had so many ideals to fly like kites on steady winds. No bad foods, no bad words, no tempers, no arguments. As they one by one got slammed to the ground or, in the case of arguments, tied up in trees, I gave up my hold on the year and have discovered a side to myself I did not remember since having become a mother, that of a loser.

But being a loser has its upside, I was able to pretend I was an artist, so that I have painted a dozen pictures this year, or more. Plus, I seriously sat down and got to know space in a way that is totally unique, and it has been the most awe-inspiring thing that has ever happened to me, and probably many people have never seen anything like this, and I cannot imagine a more amazing thing than my vision of the universe this year. I decided that life always existed, but what's more, that life pervades everything. And then there were all these planets with life! I saw the universe in what looked like a spinning spiral in a photograph online, all the stars spinning like a helix, and imagined what planets were in which fazes of life beneath them.

Fearing aliens went away. The creatures that visited the prophets of the bible and the creatures who were of the Gods in Greek mythology became more feasible. Because that might be what they look like on some distant planet. Everything became possible, mars had life. Last night I dreamed that metals turn to rock. And verified by my ideas, and this one was so cool, fiction of course, that the sun has had different phases and that the planets further out used to be just like earth and after their atmospheres depleted, all the life disappeared, and the structures built by the inhabitants, until every trace of existence was lost to time. And that like a sort of sun dial, the planets of the whole solar system here, one by one, as this, our star fades, gets a life cycle and its due time for holding life. This led to multiple story ideas, one which has the sun seeing the lights of the earth now and these getting the attention of the sun, so it knows something is up and time is growing less for Earth. Of course, that idea is more convoluted, a lot of it relied on the idea that underlying the universe is life. When the sun, alive as anything, sees the lights of Earth lit from afar within its galaxy, then life on earth, it is aware, has come this far. We have reached ..... an interesting idea. 

Looking up and seeing things this way has made life on Earth seem more trivial, much more than we want to give it credit for. I have by way of my imagination envisioned whole worlds with different values, people of importance, different animals, wars. 

Here on Earth, I was able to give a crown of superiority to Brunelleschi for his dome. Having made the achievement by no accident, he found knowledge and applied it. What men do is mostly for the benefit of their achievement, like stockpiling hordes of learning, but having no idea of the path as it is not as direct as they wished they had discovered it to be, and the wink by the most awesome and perfect heaven, is upon the master who applies knowledge, not the one who gains it. 

All this because I saw heaven beyond the Universe. 

All things considered -
