Never stop writing!

 This morning I am concerned that not writing will impede my growth, and while I have reached a major milestone having become 45 this last December, and now consider myself beginning my second half of my life, whether for better or worse, I can still grow till the end, as I fully intend to do. As Goethe did.

The Greek Reporter shared a philosophical story today about a Greek Shaman. At the head of my Facebook page is a post about Ancient Greece, and them traveling to the America's. It's an important story for a number of reasons. But as a history enthusiast, I like to believe it is a hint at how the America's before the great migration had settled.

Later on I discovered there are tales of (Ovid?) Mythology which include the sunflower, supposedly native to the America's. One wonders but doesn't venture far from shore.

I put up three books today that on another warmer day I am planning to listen to. Anticipatiin, Joyce, and TheLost World. The maintenance man made me feel bad for not having the stamina to hit the ground running after illness. But his preventative medicine may not be as bad as my steady and enormously frightful decline.

I may have pots. It makes you feel 100 times worse than a flu. That is how I felt not long ago. Like I would die.

I am 2 days into Lent. I fast from sugar and meat this year. 

List of things to check out:

Evolution and extinction

Evolution and classes of species 

What natural selection looks like beside survival of the fittest

Would like to further study the history of human epoch, Indian and Native American

Still don't know about fruits

Why aren't Asians the oldest race?

Is there something hiding under the waters in the Pacific?

Does earth churn?

Wouldn't that change the layers of rocks? Would it not?

*Don't forget, it was a stupid geology scientist that gave you the ambition to also be that stupid!

Geology, geography, geometry, let's build a library!
