Paradoxes and ideas from early morning December 23

 Christian vs Greek philosophy. How does one and the other compare? Whose was better? Now go! (Greeks use the prescribed religion, a secret, of the Egyptians which uses the natural shapes that organize 3 dimensional space with their increasingly miraculous image of the divine, where Christians use the prescribed religion of actions that slowly bring the same about, a manifestation of perfect spirit and being, as with shape, a manifestation of the perfect use of natural laws to bring life to its greatest conclusion, us? Well, at least one leads to another)

 Religiously inspired and divinely influenced. 

Divine inspiration was the source of Newtons genius, so said the man himself.

Size of sun comparable to life on another planet, per chemistry.

What is muscle memory? 

Variety is the spice of life, each of us is unique.

Paradox of the loop? (Strange loops) The idea that good needs a bad to make things work(*** note from July 23, 2024, this is incorrect on strange loops, but maybe I saw something somewhere else, basically it is another example of what one of the late model philosophers was doing with David is a man, David is A Jew, thefore David is a Jewish man, but not all Davids are Jewish, amd sadly not all of them are men also). It's a vicious cycle trying to convince an unbeliever of the existence of a creator, they CANNOT SEE, and the believer always sees.

In the beginning God created the heavens and earth, the son of God flesh, the spirit of God is what essence? (Return to the watery grave of ancient Floridians. If Braun matter is still present, why aren't the thoughts and memories mapped out inside for us to view?)

God the omnipotent, who said that??


What are the rings of the outer planets made of?

what do the rings say about the way things organized themselves.

"Just let me adore you, that's the only thing I'll ever do  .... " 🪽 

"And the sweetest sound these ears have yet to hear, the voices of the angels "

We intuitively are able to ascertain from our experience that music effects emotions, but what if these major and minor chords have a greater kinship to emotions?

What does that teach us about the way things are grouped and the way things formulated in our unique solar system? 

The universe is organized according to laws which keep it clean and provide for life, among other things, things which keep unbelievers justified by ignorance.

Animals of Egypt, and good secret keepers. 

How many religions have a (word meaning one who speaks directly with God) who has seen a vision of God in bird form? Wings are essential elements in the communication between God and man. Horses, lions also.

* still want to know about the extinction of religions, ellipses, Gabriel's horn, and the distinctive animals used in communication with "God".
