Isn't it funny how you can lay around, doing nothing, and messes seem to pile up from no where? I look and I see piles of disturbances, but moments ago everything was lovely. At least it felt that way.
I'm going to have to be up tomorrow, even though I've felt awful all day. And I really wish only to be cradled up like a baby bird under a sheltering wing, but laying here, I'm too roasted already to find any comfort.
Tonight I will take a little something to sleep, it's been such a dreadful thing not being able to sleep. Sometimes it has been days in a row, and I am shuffling around half dizzy, weaker than a starved person, arms like naked bones, trying to lift them. Can you imagine that? Well, that was last year. And this one's almost over.
Love you terribly ❤️
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