In hard times.
Do you remember the 80s? I hardly remember them, because I was very young. But the time in between becomes a blur around the start of the new millennium and gets stronger as things really start to change. I find that the year 2020 is not very similar to 2000.
That is not an extraordinary statement, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, but in essence, I am sure that the extraordinary efforts that have been made would not have been possible without this change. In example, even in 2007 when swine-flu killed one of my family members, I was shocked that a disease had actually any power over her young body. Something new, too. Which was not unfamiliar. There had already been Sars and another disease or two has popped up since. Yet here we are in the midst of masks and plastic dividers, extraordinary measures undreamed of.
I am watching the news daily. I see the crippling effects of social destruction, no organization behind any of it. No group or establishment that has insisted on its end.
These changes are frightening. I am resilient but wake up sometimes at night with the urge to check the doors, peek through the blinds. I don't necessarily fear my neighbors, it is a childlike fear that was borne of the times. I wonder how so many people go about their lives in such a state of unawareness?
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