

I watch the movie "The Mummy" on repeat. Even more so these past few weeks. Although last year around about fall I became ill with the flu and sat in my room watching it on repeat as well. It was then, which is really how it became a special movie instead of being one of a few I'd have put in as one we knew we liked, I grew sort of attached to it. 

There is a scene in the movie right at the beginning when the main character is in a library putting away a book. She is standing on a ladder trying to go from one upper shelf to another behind her, saying, "T..t..t.......I'm going to put you where you belong."

 I'm reading a poem by Lord Tennyson, and it's really great, I'm surprised and a little unsure where to place him among other artists I have read because usually they don't come across as being perfect and this poem is perfect.

I am surprised by him. It doesn't even bother me to look at his terrible 19th century wild bearded face. Usually I want to fix them. He doesn't require any assistance from me. 

I am reading it very, very slowly. Maybe even too slowly. I am barely two pages in. I started trying to read it yesterday. I am not sure if I am ADD or if I am lying to myself about enjoying it. You would think that if you like a poem it would be easier to read. But I am not finding that to be true. Although I do feel a bit stressed as though my time and energies have been dictated by outside influences, so that even minor enjoyments are bogged down by the strain.

 My children. It's my children. I will never confess to having had children too young. It is a sign of the times. The influences are theirs, or being put on them. And they reflect this nuisance on me. All this technology in the world, and all it has accomplished is jading the children. 

Well, I had to take a break from reading. It's so intense. You should all go read Lord Tennyson.
